Friday, July 1, 2011

#11 Summer School

Write a reflective piece on your experiences in Summer School this year. How have you changed? What have you learned? How will you use that knowledge to be successful in the future? Give a shout-out to the friends you have made this summer. Finally, reflect on your efforts and productivity this term and justify what grade you feel you deserve for the class this summer.

Monday, June 27, 2011

#10 Into The Wild

What are your first impressions of Chris "Alexander Super Tramp" McCandless? Did your impressions change as the movie progressed? Why do you suppose he is doing what he's doing?

Pretend you are going on a week-long backpacking trip into the Sierra Nevada mountains. Make a list of things you will bring. Your pack should not exceed 45lbs and you will have no electricity.

Friday, June 24, 2011

FWD #9: Slang Dictionary

Create your own slang dictionary. Must be appropriate, in alphabetical order and contain at least 10 words. Be sure to include if it's a noun, adjective or verb or if it can be used as more than one.
i.e. Swag: (adj) short for swagger, one who conveys confidence in their actions. Also, (n)player or ladies man. (n) street slang for low-grade marijuana.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

FWD #8: What's your deepest fear?

Coach Carter says our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure. Do you believe this? If so, what are you afraid of? What's holding you back? What might you engage, control or enact that would make you, "powerful beyond measure"?
Don't worry about what others might think! Don't doubt yourself here! Don't let anything stop you from dreaming your biggest dream because we have to see it to be it. Go Big!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

FWD #7: Seize the Day

After reading the poem "Moment" in class today, create your own inspirational poem about seizing the opportunity, living for the moment, etc. No Rules Just Write! :) It doesn't have to rhyme, have a certain amount of lines, etc., it just has to inspire:)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

FWD #6: Advice Column

Choose any Freedom Writer's Entry and respond to their story with an advice column.
Your column should have a title, i.e. "Dear Jose" and consist of at least three paragraphs. Be careful not to actually give advice-if it doesn't work they will blame you. Rather, recognize or affirm their situation, demonstrate how you personally can relate and show your empathy and support for them with your column.
G0od Luck!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

FWD #5

Create your own FWD entry about anything you wish. I realize that this first entry will not be anonymous so don't feel like you have to go straight into your "heaviest" topics. Keep it lightweight for this one.
Some ideas:
Something I've overcome.
Something I had to learn the hard way.
Discuss your motto and how it shapes your life.
Someone who inspires you.
Your first impression of the class.
An injustice.
Something you're passionate about.
Something you were upset with and are still hanging onto. (a grievance)